Monday, January 16, 2012

Yellow Stone!!!

So late fall we decided to take the whole family on a trip. We have never taken all the kids on a trip before so this was a BIG deal! We decided to take the kids to Yellow Stone! Now this was Brady's idea. I would of rather gone to some kind of resort but he insisted the kids would love it and he was so right, The kids loved it. They got to feed the bears and were able to see a ton a different kinds of wild life. I must say the kids were great too. They all got along with one another, it was awesome. Brady was able to get a awesome family suite at Three Bear's Lodge! It had more than enough room for all of us!

 Watching the wolves while they are waiting to feed the bear's. Austin's favorite animal is the wolf so he loved it!!!

 If you look closely you can see them hiding the food for the bears. I was kinda freaking out but they all made it out alive.....
 They all fit inside the wolf cave!
 Tessa loves buffalo's! She freaked out with excitement every time we saw one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont know how you manage to get all those kids to get a long on a trip, I would never even try to take my kids anywhere, Jane and B fight and argue every two minutes!!! Looks like you guys had a blast!

This is my family

This is my family
Soooo Cute huh? This is my family of 8. Brady and I have 5 girls and 1 boy. ( Sadie, Tessa, Austin, Kylee, Haylee and little Brookelynn) It's alot of work and can be overwhelming at times but it's worth every minute of it. They are the best kids anyone could ever ask for.


She is getting so big!!

My handsome husband

My handsome husband
He hates his picture taken

Our chilren.......

Our chilren.......
These children are true miracles in our life. We have been blessed with such beautiful children. We have learned so much from these kids. I honestly don't know what we do without them!

Kylee & Haylee

Kylee & Haylee
everyone thinks they're twins. They are my little mini me's! They are true miracles in my life.

My mom and I

My mom and I
I love my mom! She is my best friend! She has always been there for me no matter what!